Friday, May 11, 2012

105: Tasteless (John)

"So this is your way of saying you have pictures." I say as I watch her lounge on her bed.

"Mhm. And they're pretty decent too. I'd just wished I'd had a voice recorder as well. I was taking pictures of something else when I heard his voice and got curious." she says. "Do you want to see?" The wicked grin is back.

"Sure. I could insert the card into a camera or computer and see what we've got." I say. I'm through playing games with this woman.

"Then come and get it from me." she beckons.

I fold my arms across my chest. "Not like that. If you're wanting immunity and dropped charges then you're going to have to show me the contents of that memory card. Then I'll decide if they're worth it."

She makes an aggravated noise and rolls over onto her other side. "I just wanted to have a little fun, John. You know, mix business with pleasure. I don't see what the big deal is. Besides... I'm holding all the cards and you know it."

"I can find another deck somewhere else if need be."

"Not one this good."

"Why not give me a quick summary of what the card contains?" I ask.

She sighs loudly, rolls over to face me again, and tells me the story:

"Well, one day in the early morning, not too long after Deanna died, I was out taking shots of the harbor. Just casual, artsy-type photos. Then I hear Devon." she begins.

"Devon Holcomb?" I ask. I'd seen the name before.

"Correct. My ex."

"Devon shot Deanna?"

"Because she knew too much. Too much that I told her." she sighs again and looks at me with big eyes. "He was about to shoot me when the raid started. He bailed instead."

"What happened to you after the party?" I ask.

A secret smile plays about her lips. "My little secret, John." She pauses for a moment and continues. "So, I turn my camera around and spy Devon with someone I very least expected to see."

 "I couldn't believe it. An SIA agent?" she giggled at my eager expression. "There they were, in the wee hours of the morning casually sharing a park bench in an empty playground. So I listened as well as I was able."

"Could you make anything out?"

"Something about a package being delivered. Giving back what was rightfully there's and some such stuff."

"A package." I say as I mull over what she's told me. "So who was the agent?"

(The original Monique Bell was a random tourist that I thought I'd never need again. So, of course, she got deleted thanks to that nasty error code 12 fiasco. I made another one.)

"Why, Monique Bell of course!" she said and it was all I could do not to do a fist-punching motion.

"I also saw Monique give him something. She called it a small token of her affection. Something about that package looked familiar. That's when I remembered that that's how Trent would package his 'wares'. She could've only gotten that from stealing it from the SIA. You guys were very thorough.

"Anyway," she continued, "she said there was plenty more where that came from. They shook on some deal they made."

"And you have pictures of all of this?" I ask, delighted and having a hard time hiding it.

She grins, "Of course!"

(I hate how I made her obvious, but I wanted her to also be seen by you the reader. Otherwise, why have a picture of a bush?)

"You know, John." she says, "I'd really make a good agent."

"I doubt they'd let you in." Took me years.

"A girl can dream."

So the next night, I pose as an employee of Devon's. Dianna somehow manages it to get Monique at the park by making it look like Devon wanted to make a deal again. She sees me sit down on the bench and I say I'm acting as a messenger and give her some false terms. Of course, she doesn't buy it, but instead complains about everything she's done. She doesn't want to have to deal with an employee; that was beneath her.

She stands up to leave with an irritated scowl.

"That's far enough, Bell." I say in my normal voice, weapon drawn. Monique starts in surprise when she recognizes my voice.

"Parren, what are you doing? Have you lost your mind?" Monique asks as Dianna casually walks up behind her and takes her weapon.

"Hello, Bell." she purrs.

"Dianna Goodwin." Bell says with irritation.

"You didn't honestly expect me to let you get away with ruining my business, not to mention stealing my boyfriend." Dianna sneered.

"You're lucky I don't arrest your ass here and now!" Monique snapped.

"I think not, Bell." I join in.

She turns to me scornfully. "So, you joined the bad guys, Parren?"

"Not I." I answer.

"Don't even try, Bell. I've given John some lovely dirt on you." Dianna croons.

Bell shoves Dianna towards me, I stand aside as she passes. Then Bell lifts her gun that Dianna had a moment ago. Yeah. Real good, Dianna. Nice grip. Bell points the gun at me.

"So where's the dirt, John?" she asks, snarling.

"Which copy?" I ask. "Face it, Monique. You're through."

"Only if you two leave this playground alive." she threatens as dread runs through me. I don't want to kill her, but if it means that or never see Elena and the kids again, I will.

"Surely you're not that stupid, Monique."

Several things happen in quick succession. Dianna spins around behind me and fires with no warning and hits Bell's right shoulder. The look of surprise on Bell's face is priceless. 

She lays there on the ground moaning, but I don't buy it completely.

Dianna runs around me and stands on Bell's gun. Then she turns to me after she reaches down to take the gun and says, "We're even now. I would've died at that damn party if it weren't for you and that blasted raid."

"Not bad, actually." I compliment her on her shooting.

"I want help getting that Devon bastard." she snarls.

Bell must be okay from all the profanities streaming from her mouth. We hear sirens in the distance. 

"Here come your friends." Dianna says.

"I'm sure they'd love your help getting Devon."

She turns to me, "You're not staying to help?"

"Only as much as it takes for you to have a clean slate." I respond. "Then I'm retiring. I've lost my taste for this."


  1. That all happened pretty fast. If Bell is dead, then John can't be cleared though :( I hope the evidence is considered valid.

    1. I never put this in, but Dianna cleared his name. Now she's an agent. John is gonna retire.
