Tuesday, September 11, 2012

30: It's Party Time?

(originally posted 10/16/2011)


(side note: I was going through and deleting stupid, unneeded memories from Greg's scrapbook...when I discovered.... his first kiss was with.... Raquel! of all people.)

Well, here I am taking Xavier over to John's. Marie rode the bus straight to his house from school today.

Oh, this isn't fair. When I get there, Marie opens the door and tells me John is upstairs on the treadmill. I was a little unprepared for the hotness onslaught (I guess you could call it) that he is when he's working out. Ugh! I don't need this!

Me: John, make sure they eat their veggies, Marie has been eating nothing but carbs and..
John: Elena, do you really think I'm stupid enough to feed them junk all the time? Just go have your fun at the party. We'll be fine.

Fine then I think to myself. I look down at the floor.

And when I look up I catch a glimpse of an expression I don't think I was supposed to see.

Me: John, I know you're not going to feed them junk food all day. Just humor me and let me say it so I can feel a little better.

John chuckles: Make you feel better... make you feel better. You're funny.

Um, ok?

So, I kiss Marie and Xavier bye and head off to my party.

Right away Raquel begs me to let her make a toast. Well, okay I guess.

Raquel: Gather 'round everyone! Elena, the lucky one, is going to marry a real hairless monkey! Let's all toast to Greg's marvelous catch!

Was that a good toast or a bad one? It was more than a little tacky. A couple people chuckle. One laughs louder.. Ivana... who invited her?

(That's the back of her head right there in front with the French twist.)

And... Geez, Ivana, you should be mad at Raquel, not me.

Then, typically, she sprays me with nectar. She looked like she was enjoying it a little too much. Also, looks like the girls hired Stan Dingstill and Harry Chesterman, again, to entertain. At least they've apparently been working out a little and aren't scrawny little girlie men anymore. They're only slightly scrawny, but better.

Raquel is acting a little strange, still. For some reason, Harry is glaring at her. She looks like she's frozen to the floor. Eh, I'm not going to worry about her. So, I head off to the bar room.

Me: Ivana, what the heck are you doing here?
Ivana: Sue invited me. I didn't have anything else to do tonight.
Me: What, bored with spreading vicious lies about me already?
Ivana: They weren't lies. And people needed to know.
Me: They WERE lies, and I want you to take them back.
Ivana: Alright, I'll fix the bit about Pascal and Tate, but the others are true.
Me: Oh whatever.
Ivana: You know, Elena, I don't give a rat's patootie anymore anyway.

I give up trying to talk to her and head back into the dance room. I see Harry fighting with Raquel.

Harry: What are YOU doing here, Raquel. Shouldn't you be off making the ex-husband feel better like you're so good at?
Raquel: Harry, I...
Harry: I don't want to hear your lame excuses.

Then he starts slapping her around. I have to go and pull him off of her with Stan helping me. Geez, I kind of wish I knew what on earth was going on!

I try to talk some sense into him.

Me: I realize I have no idea what's going on, Harry, but this isn't really the place to do this.
Harry sniffs: FINE! (as he glares at Raquel)
Raquel: I should leave.
Stan: Don't leave, just forget about it.
Me (whispering to Stan): Do you have any idea what this whole fiasco is about?

I look over at Raquel and try to make her feel better and trip over Harry's feet. Nearly falling into Stan. Ugh.

Me: Sorry! (to Stan) And Harry, maybe just go somewhere else for right now.

I look over at Brook.

Me: I know, Harry, Brook is standing over there all by herself. Go and ask her to dance.
Harry: I don't know....
Me: Just do it, she looks down, you look down, maybe you'll help each other. (I turn to Stan.)
I mumble under my breath: Stan... Raquel is ticked, dance with her for a sec.
Stan: No biggie, sure.

So Stan asks Raquel to dance, but it doesn't last long. I think Stan really isn't that thrilled to be dancing with the girl that apparently cheated on his coworker?

Brook and Harry don't look too happy either. Also, I thought Harry was married? Oh I'm so confused. I am NOT a matchmaker I guess. Ugh, some party. Not much happened after that.

I'm beat.


I don't even have the energy to make it up the stairs. Greg finds me on the couch after a few hours. At least neither of us have to worry about Xavier this morning.

Well, time for the quick run through of Greg's party. Joshua makes the toast. (Remember Joshua from the party that Greg and John almost got in a fight in his living room--that Joshua) He apparently does a nicer job of it.

I've never noticed before, but the entertainment arrives in a pink limo. Also, the shaded person is that papparazzi girl again. Greg had women crash his party, but at least he didn't do anything stupid.

That's Stan from last night with the 'I'm starving' mood thing over his head. I guess he's happy to be watching the entertainment than just being it.

Greg's party had a LOT less drama than mine. Kinda boring, actually.

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