Sunday, August 12, 2012

10: The Big Parties and No I'm Not Old

(originally posted 9/26/2011)


Well, we get up the next morning...okay we get up the next afternoon and John starts learning sim fu while I go ahead and plan a bachelorette party. I want to go ahead and have it today so I don't have to wait until next weekend or have it in the middle of the week. Of course, I'm planning on having it at the club across the street.

Things are just so wonderful that I can hardly believe it's real.

Skip ahead to tonight. I asked Sabrina to do the toast for me since Brook was still mad at me and claimed she was going to be late. Then she pulls a bottle of nectar out of her patootie.

Oh no you don't!
Oh, but she did.

Great, now I'm soaked with sticky gooey stuff. It's hilarious.

Turnabout is fair play right?

Well, now that we're both soaked.....WHOA! Who loves me? TWO lifeguards? They went and hired two dancing dudes. I learned their names were Stan Dingstill and Harry Chesterman. (Finally, more funny names that I didn't come up with!)

So they start doing their thing and most of us watch...

(I wonder what this means? I get SP updates about this guy. He's married. I hope this doesn't mean that he's cheating? Or did she cheat on him? Or is he upset to be working for a 'cheater'?)

They finish their routine, and Stan stays. Hey! Brook showed up! (that's her in the background)

Stan: Say, you're cute. Too bad you're gonna be married soon. Here, let me show you some dance moves.

I clumsily try to follow what he does.

Me: Like this?
Stan: Almost, move your hips more.

Apparently, nobody cleaned up the shoe mess from last night and it's still littering the dance floor.

Neat! Free dance lessons to boot! I'm really getting better at this.

The rest of the evening passes pretty much like any other party. We get drunk, we stay up WAY too late, and go home exhausted.

Now it's John's turn to have a party...


So, yeah, he has his at the same place. There aren't that many clubs in this little town. The guy in the shades and animal coat is his other brother, Jonah. I don't know why I haven't met him yet. He's the unmarried one.

Eric makes the toast.

cute outfit

Then their entertainment arrives. Funny. John never asked them their names.

Well that's funny....there's a long blank space of time here. And all of a sudden Joshua Maro is in his underwear? What did these boys get into?

It must've been some party, because this is how I found John. Incidentally, it's Monday morning.

After work and then working in the garden, I call Marie and tell her the good news. She's happy for us. She also had aged to teen over the weekend and gained the 'loves the outdoors' trait. Good for her! And...does that make me technically the mom of a teen? No. No way!


  1. The parties looked a lot of fun :)

    1. That was when Generations expack was still new too. They Were fun. :)
